Private Tours in Moscow by IWIR
Quality of Your Travel Experience

Private Tours in Moscow by IWIR - Quality of Your Travel Experience

private tours Moscow - your benefits

private guide from Moscow for Moscow with official licence

From Moscow for Moscow
with Official Licence

incentive travel Moscow Russia with 24/7 emergency support

24/7 Emergency

private tours in Moscow and Russia off the beaten tourist track

Off the Beaten
Tourist Track

customized tour programmes Moscow Russia

Customised Tour 

travel agency Moscow over 15 years experience

Over 15 Years

Welcome to Moscow!

One day you will also be able to say: “I have been in Russia“ and very important for me would be to hear you say: “It was inspiring, exciting and incredibly interesting!“ 

Let me introduce myself: My name is Julia. I am a German and English speaking guide in my hometown, Moscow, with the licences required for private tours in the city's museums. You can book here a private Moscow City Tour, a Kremlin tour as well as your private Moscow travel program. Since 2009 I've been working as the managing director of my own Travel Agency IWIR (abbreviation of a catchy English name "I was in Russia" and German name "Ich war in Russland"). Although I organizing various private tours and thematic trips to Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sochi, Kaliningrad, the Golden Ring of Russia and Trans Siberian Railroad, I still love to be a guide and often do guiding myself.

As a preface I would like to quote a well-known Russian writer, Nikolai Gogol. In correspondence with his friends in 1845, he wrote: 

"Once you should make a journey through Russia. You knew the country as it was ten years ago but that is no longer sufficient. For ten years in Russia it happens always more than in any other country for half a century. ...“

I find these words have the same actuality today as 180 years ago and Moscow with its pulsating life is a perfect example. 

Where else, if not in gold-domed Moscow, can one possibly meet so much fascinating Russian history, architecture, culture and customs? Where else, if not in this fashion Mecca, a city of millionaires, can one encounter traces of Tsars, revolutionaries, Saints and oligarchs at once?

On this website you have the exclusive opportunity of making the acquaintance of this, your private guide, to discuss your CUSTOMISED journey before actually travelling to Moscow. Be it as an individual Moscow tour or in a group, as a senior journey, family or incentive travel to Russia, you can plan your individual program, book hotel and transfer and look behind the scenes. Send me an email or fill in the form here and let me design the perfect journey for you to Russia.

Best regards from Moscow,

Julia Onichtchenko,
German and English speaking Tour Guide, 
Owner of Moscow Travel Agency IWIR.  


Email:, mobil: +7 916 854-17-29

Be sure not to miss in Moscow

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Private Guide Moscow

Julia Onichtchenko
Private Tour Guide in Moscow 
Owner of Moscow Travel Agency IWIR

Moscow Private Tours Travel Agency Address

26-1-21 Sokolovo-Mescherskaja, 
Moscow, 125466, Russia.
(Reg.Num. 311774632600351)